Longer life with lacquer
Lacquered floors are durable and easy to keep clean. At Utime, we are famous for our top-qualitylacquer that lets the nature of the wood shine through by emphasising its living structure. Despiteits hardness, the Utime lacquer coating is exceptionally thin and does not conceal the structure of the wood as so many other competing lacquers on the market do.
Cleaning lacquered flooring
Your wood floor will benefit from daily cleaning using dry methods such as vacuuming. If necessary, you can wipe your floor clean with a well wrung-out mop or dishcloth. Your floor mustonly be dampened slightly, and the film of water formed after wiping must dry within 1 minute. Do not leave any spillages on your floor, particularly if your wood floor is made from beech or hard maple, as these wood species are particularly sensitive to moisture. How often you have to wipe your floor with a damp cloth depends on how dirty it is and how much you use the room. Utime Cleaner will give you the very best results when you wipe your floor clean. If you use another cleaner, ensure that it is pH-neutral (maximum pH 8).
Stain removal ¡ª on the spot cleaning
If you end up with a stain on your floor, you can try removing it using a mild detergent (not containing ammonia) such as Utime Cleaner, or you could try some dishwashing soap dissolved in warm water. If this does not help, here are a few more tips on how to remove difficult marks. But take care when using strong stain-removers as using too much or rubbing too hard may affect the lacquer.