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Floor Care


Depending on the type of hardwood floor you¡¯ve chosen, the installation directions will vary.
Below is a summary of things to do no matter what type of hardwood you choose. Please refer to
your detailed installation instructions for your product type before installing any hardwood
flooring yourself.

Carefully read our detailed installation instructions. Be sure the floor you¡¯re laying over is dry, clean and flat. Gently remove wall base, millwork, or trim you¡¯ll re-use. Have all recommended tools and materials on hand. Properly acclimate the hardwood according to the instructions.
Roll out the underlayment best suited for your hardwood floor. Lay floor pieces parallel with the longest wall in the room. Begin on the left side and work right, with the small tongue side facing the wall. Use spacers between boards and walls to allow for expansion.
Finishing up
For the last row, you may have to cut boards lengthwise. Trace for contours to be cut and fitted according to installation guide. After installing the last row, remove spacers. Attach trim and moldings to the wall, allowing the floor to expand and contract freely.
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